Welcome to Woori Bank Cambodia, where financial stability meets business success.

Key Benefits

  • Receive high interest rate
  • Make transaction worldwide with Woori Visa Card
  • Safety for your cash
  • Withdraw and deposit your money at Woori Bank’s branches in 25 City/Provinces
  • Secure your financial transactions
  • Applicable for more than one deposit account

Requirement Documents

  • 1. Memorandum and Article of Association
  • 2. Certificate of Incorporation
  • 3. Business License or Permission Documents from Regulated Authority if applicable
  • 4. Power of Attorney or Authorized letter or other equivalent documents to approve the person who act as representative of the company.

  • 5. Patent Tax Certificate
  • 6. Identification documents (valid NID/Passports) of Shareholders and directors/Senior Management or equivalent position.
  • 7. Identification documents (valid NID/Passports) of authorized signatory (s)
  • 8. Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) Declaration
  • 9. Other Related Documents

  • KHR, USD, and THB
Minimum Initial
  • KHR 200,000 or USD 50 or THB 2,000
Deposit Annual Interest Rate
  • KHR 2.0%; USD 2.0%; THB 0.5%
  • Free
General Terms and Conditions
More detail
  • Terms and conditions applied.
  • Woori Bank reserves its full rights to refine interest rates and other conditions without prior notice.
  • Thai Baht currency is available in all branches office in Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Pailin province and Head Office only.

How to apply

Please visit the nearest Woori Bank’s branch office along with any Required documents

Contact us at 023 96 3333 for detailed information






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Fortune Deposit Account

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Planned Savings Account

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